Monday, January 10, 2011


The countdown to England is 8 days, 23 hours and 11 minutes as of the time I have started writing my first blog! It has been a long and frustrating process to get to this point and I don't really feel prepared at all.  There is only so much that Clemson and EuroLearn can help me with and I have fun into a few significant snags in the whole moving across the world for an extended period of time process.

To start STA Travel is THE WORST, WORST, worst, worst, travel company I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with.  They are rude, untimely, incredibly horrendous to their customers and to top it all off, they don't seem to want to help.  I booked a flight with them back in November and now that my flight is less than a week away, I began to wonder when I was going to get a confirmation of my tickets being purchased.  Upon calling, I found that they had moved my flight from Newark to JFK without ever informing me, and if I were to ask about why I was not informed I was hung up on, told that it was no big deal and then told that it was my fault that I had not received a confirmation.  I will NEVER book again with this company and I highly recommend that all else do the same.  You are better off paying another hundred dollars for better service, nicer people and confirmations of tickets! Especially when those tickets are inclusive of airport changes, time changes and even the risk of putting me of jeopardy of missing my pickup at Heathrow.  In summary, DO NOT go with STA Travel for any of your travel needs, EVER.

On a more positive note, I am actually really excited about England.  Right now I am struggling to deal with the fact that all of my friends are back in the place that my heart truly belongs to, Clemson.  I miss everyone and just the wonderful town so much that I am struggling to be happy about my situation, however, I know that when I get there all of this will be worth it.  I am excited to really do something for myself and to explore a place I have only ever been able to dream about.  I cannot wait to get there and immerse myself into a different culture, find out what is important to me, travel whenever and wherever I can and really get a feel for what it is like to be a student in England.  This is a perfect opportunity for me to really find out who I am and where my place in the world is, and I am so excited to start that journey.  I am a little anxious about what I will find, but, then again I am very excited for what such a huge change can bring to light for me.  I know I should be afraid, but I feel comfort in knowing that I am going to be alone and abroad.  It is a really strange feeling and a strange experience, but I finally feel comfortable enough in myself to know that I can handle this and I will have the time of my life.

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